Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Slow paint drying weather....

The cooler temperatures are here early this year...temperatures well below the normal...loving the nice fall weather!

Paint drying time has slowed with the cooler temperatures as it does every year....mostly effecting the drying times of the whites.

I have been prepping several resins preparing for the next group of projects. Elsie & Oliver, Valor, Bacchus (2 copies), a customized Ravenhill Revisited, and the customized Rose Reining Horse are all part of the next batch of projects.

Below you see the continuation of  the Stormwatch resin...he now is much darker and has dapples and fleabites. Stormy is drying now for about a week before I can proceed with the next painting session...his last coat of paint contained an extensive use of white shades of color.

Another interesting project is the Ravenhill Revisited project....RR is sculpted by the super gifted team of Hillary Hurley and Stacy Tumlinson.

Here I have customized this copy with a new shorter mane and tail to match his soon to be spotted colors....

Happy fall everyone!
Sandra Hottinger
C.S.Richmond Studios

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feeling "soul comfort" with a new technique...

In my last studio blog post I wrote of my experimentation with the use of colored pencils for detail work. When I started painting the Independence resin commission I had in my mind that I wanted the throw something new into my technique. I had purchased two sets of colored pencils about 5 years ago and used them once or up when the pencils would not leave any color on my painting surface. At the time I was using a slightly glossy sealer to seal my oil paintwork before moving to the next step of the application of the colored pencils....thus the sealer surface was the reason for the colored pencils not working well.

The two sets I purchased were the Prismacolor Premier Portrait Set  and the Derwent Graphtint Set of 24. 

With the Indy project I began with an oil color base coat and applied the acrylic and colored pencil detailing directly over the well dried oil colors. I can say without a doubt that this is my "soul comfort" zone of artists know the feeling ...when you have stumbled upon a new technique that you want to take to a higher level take and improve upon....and that you REALLY REALLY like the look of the end result. 

I am also using the chestnut and warm grey colored pencils for adding flea bites to the Stormy commission project....I want to work in some of the white pencil later on for white detailing and highlights...curious to see what the look will be using the white.

Stormy is sculpted by the super popular Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig.

Here below you can see the Derwent white, warm grey, and chestnut pencils that I used on the Indy and that I am using on the Stormwatch resin...

And here are a few photos of the completed Independence resin...Indy is sculpted by the super gifted Sarah Rose...Indy sports the colors of silver bay pintaloosa or Walkaloosa...

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Sandra Hottinger
C.S.Richmond Studios