Thursday, December 10, 2009

From the past....
I thought I'd post some photos of a wonderful K. Lucas Francis "Bruno" Fjord resin I painted a few years back....he is the second horse I painted in oils:) He is owned by Robin in the western U.S.A. and is doing super in the show ring:) Last report "Harrison Fjord" L. Francis "Lucas" Fjord resin won 2nd CM/AR European pony AND reserve champion CM/AR pony

 He did wonderful at his first show here in Virginia.At the Hampton Roads Classic live show 2008 he taged a NAN card in his pony class and received a nice rossette for division reserve champion in the artists resins division.
I loved painting this resin I later purchased a second unpainted blank to have a second go at that wonderful Fjord coloring. I had the opportunity to snap some ref photos one year at Breyerfest in Lexinton Kentucky of three Fjords in a field two years ago and they came in handy painting "Harrison Fjord" .The Fjords are soooo colorful.
Have a great day...more to come:)